D2-40 Immunoreactivity of lymphatic vessels endothelium and representation of lymphatic …
# | Autori | Kategorija | Godina | Opis | Časopis | Skup | Izdavač | Mesto izdavanja | #UDC | #DOI | # časopisa | Volumen | Strana od | Strana do | Sa doktorata | Sa projekta |
113 |
M Jovic 2) I Nikolic 3) Vera Todorović 4) A Petrovic 5) T Dencic |
M53 - Rad u naučnom časopisu | 2017 | D2-40 Immunoreactivity of lymphatic vessels endothelium and representation of lymphatic vessels in the liver of human fetuses of different gestational age | Acta Facultatis medicae Naissensis | None | 1 | 34 | 23 | 33 | Ne | Ne |