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Comparative clinical evaluation of two different techniques of local anaesthesia …

# Autori Kategorija Godina Opis Časopis Skup Izdavač Mesto izdavanja #UDC #DOI # časopisa Volumen Strana od Strana do Sa doktorata Sa projekta
245 1) Uros Marjanovic
2) Milan Jurisic
3) Bozidar B. Brkovic
4) Aleksandar Jakovljevic
5) Biljana Milicic
6) Marjan Marjanović
7) Julija Ivanovic
M23 - Rad u međunarodnom časopisu 2017 Comparative clinical evaluation of two different techniques of local anaesthesia in the posterior mandible using 4% articaine with 1:100000 adrenaline Vojnosanitetski pregled None 10.2298/VSP160118200M 11 74 1030 1035 Ne Ne
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