Enhancing smart healthcare in dentistry: an approach to managing patients’ …
# | Autori | Kategorija | Godina | Opis | Časopis | Skup | Izdavač | Mesto izdavanja | #UDC | #DOI | # časopisa | Volumen | Strana od | Strana do | Sa doktorata | Sa projekta |
584 |
Aleksandra Labus 2) Božidar Radenković 3) Branka Rodić 4) Dušan Barać 5) Adam Malešević |
M22 - Rad u istaknutom međunarodnom časopisu | 2021 | Enhancing smart healthcare in dentistry: an approach to managing patients’ stress | Informatics for Health and Social Care | Taylor & Francis | None | 17538157.2021.1893322 | 3 | 46 | 306 | 319 | Ne | Ne |