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Influence of Tooth Loss and Unmet Treatment Needs on the …

# Autori Kategorija Godina Opis Časopis Skup Izdavač Mesto izdavanja #UDC #DOI # časopisa Volumen Strana od Strana do Sa doktorata Sa projekta
620 1) Maja Pavlović
2) Dušanka Matijević
3) Branislava Vuković
4) Ivan Mileusnić
5) Milica Gajić
6) Ana Jevremović
M23 - Rad u međunarodnom časopisu 2018 Influence of Tooth Loss and Unmet Treatment Needs on the Social Aspects of Quality of Life and Self-esteem in Adolescents. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology None 10.1007/с00415-017-8574-0 6 None None Ne Ne
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