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Inhibitory effects of different medicinal plants on the growth of …

# Autori Kategorija Godina Opis Časopis Skup Izdavač Mesto izdavanja #UDC #DOI # časopisa Volumen Strana od Strana do Sa doktorata Sa projekta
736 1) Zoran Tambur
2) Biljana Miljković-Selimović
3) Dolores Opačić
4) Ema Aleksić
5) Luka Ivančajić
6) Bojan Jovičić
7) Branislava Vuković
M23 - Rad u međunarodnom časopisu 2020 Inhibitory effects of different medicinal plants on the growth of some oral microbiome members. Veterinary Medicine - Science & Practice Oficyna Wydawnicza PTNW w Lublinie Warsaw (Poljska) 10.21521/mw.6433 8 76 475 479 Ne Ne
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