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Evaluation of pH and Optical Properties of Dual Rinse HEDP …

# Autori Kategorija Godina Opis Časopis Skup Izdavač Mesto izdavanja #UDC #DOI # časopisa Volumen Strana od Strana do Sa doktorata Sa projekta
738 1) Andjelka Simić
2) Mirjana V. Papic
3) Ana Nikitović
4) Aleksandar Kocovic
5) Renata Petrovic
6) Irena Melih
7) Suzana Zivanovic
8) Milos Papic
9) Milica Popović
M22 - Rad u istaknutom međunarodnom časopisu 2024 Evaluation of pH and Optical Properties of Dual Rinse HEDP Irrigating Solution. Applied Sciences None 10.3390/app14041675 4 14 None None Ne Ne
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