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Expression of connexin-43 in surgical resections of primary tumor and …

# Autori Kategorija Godina Opis Časopis Skup Izdavač Mesto izdavanja #UDC #DOI # časopisa Volumen Strana od Strana do Sa doktorata Sa projekta
764 1) Ivana Savic
2) Petar Milovanovic
3) Svetlana Opric
4) Nebojsa Ivanovic
5) Dejan Opric
M22 - Rad u istaknutom međunarodnom časopisu 2022 Expression of connexin-43 in surgical resections of primary tumor and lymph node metastases of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the lung: a retrospective study Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology None 10.7717/peerj.13055 10 None None Ne Ne
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